Modafinil for treating excessive daytime sleepiness

Excessive daytime sleepiness is a sleep disorder that occurs due to narcolepsy, sleep apnea, or shift work sleep disorder. In this condition, people may fall asleep repeatedly throughout the day. Therefore, it affects the normal functioning and lowers the productivity.

Modafinil is a wakefulness-promoting agent that helps people stay awake and active. Within 30 minutes of intake, it starts working and provides wakefulness for up to 12 hours. Therefore, it is advised to take it in the morning to maintain wakefulness throughout the day.

Unlike any other medication, Modafinil also has some side effects. Common side effects of Modafinil include headache, nausea, and muscle discomfort. Some of the mild and less common adverse effects of Modafinil include dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, anxiety, depression, constipation, confusion, etc. Click here to learn more about Modafinil's side effects.


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