Logical Operators Question

I'm trying to filter the search by entering something like SoO|NM!Flex.*
However, it's restricting the search down to anything with SoO and NM (exactly what I wanted) AND every Flex listed.
Isn't ! the 'not' operator?
Im not sure the .* is necessary.

Im guessing your trying to say [SoO] or [NM] not [Flex] followed by any # of other characters.

I don't use the filter much but I think if u leave out the last part, it will just hide all Flex groups regardless of what preceeds or follows a string matching "Flex".
spacing is important.

also, you need an 'and'

soo | nm & !flex.*
Was I right about the .* or was I completely out in left field?
oh, yea.. that isn't necessary.

soo | nm & !flex

is all that would be needed
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