Holistic Health Models in New Zealand Nursing Education

The PAE Ora model is a holistic framework that promotes overall health and well-being. It has its roots in Maori philosophy. With its emphasis on the mental, bodily, and spiritual realms, it is consistent with the indigenous perspective of connection and harmony. Using the PAE Ora paradigm into nursing education in New Zealand promotes a more all-encompassing approach to healthcare. Nursing students get cultural competence and a broader grasp of holistic care by incorporating Maori viewpoints, which guarantees that they are prepared to handle the population's different demands. Nursing course fees in New Zealand vary depending on the institution and the level of study. Generally, international students can expect to pay higher fees than domestic students, with costs ranging from NZ$20,000 to NZ$35,000 per year for undergraduate programs. Improving nursing practice's cultural responsiveness, this integration helps make New Zealand's healthcare system more efficient and inclusive. 

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