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100% Profit Sharing - Updated

SolidICE is enabling authors to claim 100% of the revenue generated from the download of their addons here on SolidICE. To start taking advantage of this promotion, authors need merely upload a new addon or claim an existing addon, and then provide us with their existing Google Adsense information.

How does the profit sharing work?

Authors will be required to sign up for, or posses an existing Google Adsense account. Authors will then be required to provide SolidICE with their Adsense Publisher ID. This Publisher ID will be used to display ads on the behalf of the author.

Where do I provide my Publisher ID?

Once a user has registered for a SolidICE account they can access the addon management dashboard here, or by clicking the "Manage Addons" link in the main navigation bar. On the addon management dashboard, you can then manage your Adsense Information via the settings link on the sidebar navigation here.

Please note, you are not able to edit your Adsense information until you have claimed or uploaded an addon, and the addon has been approved.

Which pages will display my ads?

All pages associated with your addon will show your advertisements.

Using Reagent Restocker as an example, the following pages will show advertisements for the Google Adsense account associated with the author:


Pages which display the advertisements for a specified author are also indicated by a message similar to the below message:

Advertisements on this page directly support %username%.

We will soon be expanding this to also include all forums and forum posts related to addons which are claimed and have associated advertising information.

Additional details about our addon management system can be found here.

Please contact us, or reply here with any questions or concerns.

Update: updated details and provided additional information.