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icebox.exe is not a valid Win32 application

Not sure if it cause I'm using an older window , but didn't have this issue when downloading oQ.
Icebox is a executable - as in a full fledge program. Because of this sometimes norton antivirus will delete icebox as soon as you download it. We have contact norton and they have told us that their software deletes the program because it is "not commonly downloaded" - prettymuch we aren't popular enough.

You may need to configre norton to ignore icebox.
I don't run norton nor do I have an anti-virus program running in the background while trying to open this program. Could it be adblock plus? I use that to skip the commercial in hulu & other streaming site only thing I could think that would stop it , but it shouldn't be able to prevent the file.exe from unloading. I still got the file in my folder & everytime I click on it pop-up a message saying icebox.exe is not a valid Win32 application. Tried deleting it & starting a fresh download with nothing running at all in the background still same issue.
save it to a folder and check the size. it should be about 2m

Saved to my downloads folder & the size is 2.24 MB (2,354,176 bytes) , however still popping up this message C:\Documents and settings\*****\My Documents\Downloads\icebox.exe is not a valid Win32 application.
jump into vent and let's see if we can figure out what's up : 4135 room 0
Okay I'm in.

We figure out it dues to me using Window XP. Thank you for the assist once again, Tiny. (:

Does this mean that Icebox will never work on my Windows XP?

(as if I need support from Microsoft to use Windows XP, and as if security holes will suddenly appear because Microsoft stopped giving support...)


Having the same issue on a winXP2002sp3. So Icebox is not and will never be compatiblewith win XP and I'll never be able to install?

Kind regards.


the compiler that generates the code, visual studio c++ 2012, doesn't support XP. i'm pretty sure microsoft stopped supporting it as well. i'm not sure how to generate an older executable (i might have vs2005 laying around, but i doubt it could build the binary)