Icebox to update Oqueue?

I have both istalled but nothing seems to be updateing. My Oqueue is saying I have a new version but Icebox doesnt seem to be updating it automaticly and I dont see anywhere to click to update anything. I could just very well be lost but I am getting frustrated with confused with how this is set up nothing seems to be very clear to my not all that computer literate mind.
I too, am having issues with icebox not updating my OQueue. It only recognizes 1.9.3d as the latest update, yet when I download from the site directly, version 1.9.4b is what I get. Please update icebox so that it realizes there is a new oQueue version please. Thank you.
Press the refresh button Kaotix79.

This will update the list of what versions are available.
I did use the refresh button. (tried it like 10 different times, even with restarting Icebox a few of those times), Still it did not register that there even was an update between 1.9.3 and 1.9.4... Ever since I downloaded 1.9.4b straight from the website, Icebox has been working fine.
You have to log out of WoW for the update to take effect :)
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