Can you please let people use oQueue without update please?! U updating it every week (IDK why, cause there I havent notice significant improves), it is so annoying that every time I must go to ur website, download .rar, unpack it to my WoW folder ,etc etc. IT IS ANNOYING GUYS! Make some oQue Client or whatever what. Or just don't update it. Thank you.

You mean a client like icebox ? They have one. I for one would rather they update alot and have to update my stuff than to not see any updates for months and wonder if its still maintained.

Like mjumnito said, pickup icebox.

Our stance has always been that if it takes us hundreds of hours to maintain the addon, the users can spend 30 seconds to a minute downloading a new version when we fix it.

  • oqueue 1.9.7 04 august
  • oqueue 1.9.8 19 august
  • oqueue 1.9.9 23 august
  • oqueue 2.0.1 08 september

4 to 16 days bewteen updates. what was changed from 1.9.7 to now? it's listed in the change log.

BUGFIX: appending nil on req_invite fail (thx Renato!)
BUGFIX: assigned raid markers will only be set by actual premade leader (pvp players could get lead and shift markers)
BUGFIX: insured oq_ascii was initialized when initializing tables
UPD: tweaked message processing for bad messages
UPD: invite sent even if bnet doesn't show the person friended and online (bnet doesn't always relay the info, yet invites still work. gg blizz)
UPD: insured only pve groups would check for resil and mmr
UPD: added boss name in response if lockout conflict detected
UPD: added limit on bn_connect response (ping'ing the world)
UPD: clear-filters will also reset find-premade sort column and order
add: you can now filter by realm name. just type the realm name into the spyglass to see those realms
add: sort by leadership rank now available; skull/boss icon will toggle ascending/descending
add: tooltip will include boss name if lockout conflict
add: cmdline to show raid lockouts (bit per boss rendered as hex): /oq show locks
add: will announce in chat when removed from a wait list
add: premade group leader's oQueue version number now displayed on lower right of find-premade's tooltip

v2.0.0 *skipping to insure all beta testers get the update notice

BUGFIX: verifying BNGetToonInfo does not return a nil sender_name
BUGFIX: attempting to wait list while in a group will now ask if you want to leave. if yes, it will leave group and wait list
UPD: you can no longer queue for regular bg groups with a group
UPD: updated remove options to include left over wait listers
UPD: 'not qualified' response will now include a reason (group leader must have latest version)
UPD: 'go dark' will now leave oqgeneral and ping friends to stop sending; re-enabling oqueue will ping the world and re-join oqgeneral
UPD: minimum ilevel will reflect the lowest ilevel in the group or the set minimum, whichever is lowest
UPD: 'going dark' will now inform your b.net friends you're offline, so they'll stop sending oq messages
add: 'all pending' premade filter type (thx ZacharyC!)
add: new filter capability: use 'pvp' and 'pve' to find general categories of premades (ie: all pve over 570: pve & i570)

BUGFIX: status when queue'd will no longer 'blink'
BUGFIX: GMT time on the setup tab will now reposition when oqueue is resized
BUGFIX: bg premade chart cleared on bg exit
BUGFIX: force role set upon entry to group
BUGFIX: role check button should only be visible to the group leader
BUGFIX: unpack error on bad charm
BUGFIX: insured old mesh requests are denied (hoping to address freeze bug)
BUGFIX: added empty realmName check (hoping to address freeze bug; thx sigprof!)
BUGFIX: ilevel being shown in mmr column for rbgs
BUGFIX: 'rating too low' popped up on raids for users w/ no pvp ratingUPD: spyglass filter text increased to 50 characters max
UPD: arena waitlist tooltip will show arena rank achieve (requires this update by waitlister to populate)
UPD: rbg wait list will now display highest achieved rank as numeric on 'pvp rating' line
add: minimum ilevel spyglass filter option: i
add: minimum rating spyglass filter option: r
add: count of members in the current bg instance

BUGFIX: nil time offset check
BUGFIX: best arena rating will now be sent when WL'ing for arenas; rbg rating now sent when WL'ing rbgs
BUGFIX: premade info sent from same realm bnet friend
BUGFIX: party member offline status change caught
BUGFIX: wait list tooltip wasn't showing correct info; premade type sent from WLer incorrect
BUGFIX: plugged token leak
BUGFIX: waitlist comparison default set
UPD: will clean out expired groups from opposite faction upon load
UPD: clear premade info out of cache if group expires
UPD: group_reform removed
UPD: top dps and heals reporting removed
UPD: premades will not be announced while in an instance
UPD: additional invite safeguards to insure accidental invite acceptance doesn't happen
UPD: group leaders will leave as normal member now
UPD: group leads will no longer trigger group disband when leaving (remnant from old bg grouping)
UPD: performace tweak - changed timers to coroutines to get off the ui thread
UPD: properly defined any vars ending up in the global table (thx VIad and Workfoz!)
UPD: check for btag before processing friend requests
UPD: tweaked for slow machines to insure oqgeneral isn't hijacking channel-ids
UPD: mesh requests issued more then 1 hour prior will be auto-rejected (sender must have updated oQueue)
UPD: mesh requests from opposite faction or banned btags will be auto-rejected
UPD: changed all shades to use the OQ.FONT instead of hardcoding FRIZQT__.TTF. should help w/ cyrillic
UPD: premade tooltip now shows lowest ilevel; the # of ppl on the waitlist is on same line as the # of ppl in the group
add: cmdline option: '/oq show cache' will dump cache stats
add: hard-drop button to the create-premade tab; forces premade group cleanup (button instead of cmdline)
add: if WL with bad premade type info, will respond with error "outdated oQueue"
add: role-check button on main-premade tab
add: performace tweak - buffered premade reshuffle; would get 4 or 5 reshuffle requests at once, reduced to 1

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