Unable to view pending friend requests (v1.8.1)

I'm able to bring up the Oqueue UI window and browse groups / raids but when I attempt to join a 'waitlist', the button converts to 'pending' and I receive a friend request but I am not able to see the friend requests. Unfortunately it seems that I am unable to see any pending friend requests while I have Oqueue addon enabled. When it's disabled I am then able to see the requests. It also seems that the only tab affected in this way is the "Pending" tab on the friends list. Any advice is appreciate as I would love to start using this addon!

When using oQueue information is transfered using friend requests. When you hit the waitlist button you send them a friend request asking to join, then they send u a friend request saying ok. oQueue auto declines these because all the addon wants is the information in the request.

Prettymuch just ignore the friend request. 
Okay, so when it's 'pending' in the Oqueue UI on my end, it's still waiting for them to actually accept me into the group  / invite me? I've tried to join several groups but sat at 'pending' for 10-20 minutes with no invite or change in status before the premade fell of the list altogether. Is that normal?

Also - I failed to mention that my realm is part of a four realm merger. Would that have any affect on my ability to join groups properly?
yah you have to wait for them to invite you once you are on their waitlist. 

It can be normal yes. There is no promise they will inv you :/.

Also make sure you are running the latest version. :181 atm
I have the same problem but I still didn't figure out how to solve it.
Friending works to me like in 1 of 10 cases.
Sometimes I see people resending their FR request to be able to invite me but I just can't accept those without turning the addon off. And if I do I'm not on the premade anymore so I don't really know what to do.

Did you figure it out by any chance?

^ I can't help but feel like you didn't read anything I wrote above....

If you are running a version lower than 1.8.1 update to 1.8.1 now. If you are running 1.8.1 then read what I wrote above. You are not supposed to accept therse invites. The addon handles everything. When the leader invites you to the group, youll automatically accept it. 
RB I have the same problem. It's WHEN I get invited I cant see the 'Pending' status.
Only when I log out and disable OQ can I see the "Pending" and am able to accept and then converse with the prospective RL and get an invite.

This is kinda tough to get an invite when there are more things/higher traffic going on.
You are never suppsed to see these pending friend invites.

You do not have to accept the friend invite. oQueue will accept or decline the invite automatically. 

You click waitlist. 
You send them a friend request. (Their oQueue declines it and add's you to the WL.)
They send you a friend request saying "I got your waitlist request".
You then wait for them to invite you.
If they invite you: You recieve a friend request, your oQueue will automatically accept it and you will be invited to their group.


If you are running a version older than 1.8.1 that is the problem. 
the confusion is the blizz notification of a pending friend request.

go to the wow-menu... interface ... battle.net. 
UNCHECK 'Real ID and BattleTag Friend Requests'
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