Raid lockout problem

Hello. It looks me and my friend got raid lockout conflict when we where saved HC imm and was quing for normal malk.

I keep getting this lately

for example i've killed 4, and want to kill gala. i search gala and a few raids have @ Gala typed in

but their green 2/14 at the right side isnt updated and the raid lockout wont let me queue with them

needs some auto lockout refresh after each boss kill?


Also when people create a Flex but accidently set it to 10m normal in the sub type

their raid shows at 0/14 if they havent killed anything

they type in "fresh flex 1"

anyone who has killed anything in a normal gets the "raid lockout" and cant join the flex. human error here however.

any premade information older then 2 minutes would be considered 'stale' and removed.

if it says 2/14 ... then that's the lockout no matter what the text says

@tiny : yes but when it says 2/14, that ONLY means the lockout of the Raid Leader (who created the Oqueue premade) is 2/14; that doesn't mean his raid will do/start Norushen next. His raid can start at whichever boss further than 2/14, such as Gala mentioned by Znug, as long as one of this teammate with 4/14 enters first the instance.

This is a situation I meet everyday when I have a lockout saved, that force me to disable your oq.pdata_raid_conflict (more precisely oq.get_boss_bits) function as a temporary solution for myself...

if the leader is 2/14 and another member is 4/14 as they both enter the instance, upon accepting the lockout, the leader would be 4/14 ... and his premade information would be updated to reflect it. until they enter the instance, there is no way to know if the leader's lockout would be updated.

it boils down to user understanding of how lockouts work and why. if the raid leader is manually inviting people into the group that would bump his own lockout, then he's going around oQueue and there's nothing i can do about it. of course, the guy with the 4/14 lockout could just form the group to start with and avoid the issue.

The problem is, during the invitation phase, the raid leader often wanna stay at the main city such as Shrine. They try to find people not only from Oqueue but also the Trade/Yell channel of his realm..

My idea is during the creation of Oqueue premade, the lockout requirement can be set manually, instead of an automatic detection of the lockout of raid leader (or along with this as a default option).

sorry, no. setting it manually would enable people to farm garrosh and invite 13/14 people thereby setting their own lockout.

it boils down to a user issue. the leader needs to understand lockouts and how they're set. if he wants to use another's lockout, then they can figure out how to do it.

ok, nvm, I don't agree but I respect your choice for this greatest addon of MOP!

yes, you are right, they can figure out how to do it, nowadays I see more and more raid leaders set the SoO Normal raid as "World Boss" or "Flex" type in order to avoid this "bug" of Oqueue lockout check :D

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