Raid lockout conflict error????

Ok i never had this problem till today. I have the latest version of oqueue.

No matter what raid i try to waitlist for I get this error. I have only done up to Gal in Soo norm. I do not know whats making it do this. I deleted my wtf folder and oqueue and put a fresh new copy in addons folder. Can anyone help me ??
Hi Sideous.
We believe there might be a bug in the current version, we are looking to resolve it in the next version update.
Ok thanks. Hopefully it is soon because I can not seem to find a group to run with without.
Does it help to know its only doing it for SoO ? I can que for tot and everything else.
Not sure if you need additional info on this, but I experienced it after being inv to join a group, then being removed cause they didn't want two hpallys. So, after that I wasn't able to waitlist for anything in SoO on my hpally, even after exiting the game and logging back in, and resetting all instances. I joined up with a guildy and confirmed that the game would let me in at the correct boss. Haven't tried yet on a dif toon.
Not sure if you have narrowed down the problem. But I have the chain of events.

1. Request a waitlist.
2. oq.send_req_waitlist() tries to get pdata via oq.get_pdata(raid.type)
3. Since we're queing for a raid. We go the the tail end of the function oq.get_current_raid_status() for pdata
4. If we are sitting in pandaria

local name, type, difficultyIndex, difficultyName, maxPlayers, dynamicDifficulty, isDynamic, mapID = GetInstanceInfo() ;
local rid = oq.get_raid_id(name) ;

This will return name = Pandaria and rid = 0

It jumps into this if statement

if (rid == 0) then
if (OQ_data._premade_subtype == nil) or (OQ_data._premade_subtype == 0) then
return "" ;
rid = OQ_data._premade_subtype ;
name = oq.get_raid_name( rid ) ;
difficultyIndex = OQ_data._premade_diff or 3 ;

The problem is rid = OQ_data._premade_subtype ;
This will be whatever you last created a premade for. For instance, I did a firelands so it was set to 26. But SoO is 31. I was locked to FL so it sent all that boss data via oq.get_raid_boss_progression( name ) ;
This gets your boss bits and they will conflict sometimes.

this appears to be the issue, I kept getting the error. I read this and thought if this were the case then that would mean if I quickly made a SoO normal group it would check my progress correctly since it shows the progress as the last made group. I made a 10n SoO group for less then a second disbanded it and was able to queue for any SoO Oqueue raid. This is a temp fix for now I guess if anyone is still having this issue.
If you get a conflict lockout error and want a quick fix. Just go the create premade tab.
Set premaid type to "raid"
Set sub-type to anything you aren't saved to. Like Ahn'Qiraj Temple.
Queue up again.
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