Purple Diamond chat spam, Help!

Okay, I have made decent efforts to find a solution to this online and I have had no luck.
So! I have a chat group running today that has never popped up before. It has not taken over and bumped all of my trade and general channels like I have read.
This channel begins with a Purple raid diamond; then (0); then player name; then text.
This channel seems to be people searching for raid groups.
While this may be a convience to some people I would greatly appreciate it to stop. If I want to look for a raid using oqueue, I will open oqueue.
This channel is spamming so much I can't even read trade chat because it's so broken up (not that I would want to read much of that either!) but it's annoying me.
If someone knows a simple solution that would be AWESOME
On the setup tab; uncheck "announce premades".

What you are seeing is the names of groups which are being created. This was useful when there were not many people using oQueue, as you could see the groups in chat as they were created but as more people use the addon it becomes too much and gets alittle "spammy".

Unchecking that option should fix the issues. I think this is normally disabled by default.
this feature need an update... to show only those premades that fall under specific category PVP > RBG > ... (useing all curently avaliable filters)

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