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post your hint suggestions here

you can type '/oq help' to see command line options

as for svn, if anything it'd be a git repo... and no, it really wouldn't help many get updated as *very* few would know how to access/utilize svn/git.  the people that would, have no problem unzipping a file.

you could put a script together that would pull the latest and unzip it into the appropriate folder.  the general link would be:
I think you underestimate your user base. Although browsing the forums maybe not. Anywho, I use both Mac and Windows and for the mac side that would require me making a chrono job in the command line... which is a nightmare. The link however is very helpful and I will play around with a simpler solution that people can cut and paste. Thanks for your response.
i can not update this and i dont know why can anyone help me
Hello, i would like to add a suggestion
why dont you add this addon to the curse site and curse client?
Its a good addon but the hasle with it is the updates and there updates can be done easily and i think more people would get it if its from that site on the count of its more popular.
Hello there!
First let me thank you for the addon since it helps a lot of ppl to do things they otherwise wouldn't do without it. This is ofc nothing new, even so, my thanks!
I would like to add a sugestion to the addon.. Please Put a refresh button to the addon. When i'm looking for a raid for example..there are so many coming in at sometimes that just for you to click on the wait list button becomes an adventure! Really! I guess if we have a refresh button so new premades created can be showned on our menu this would make things a lot easier. Hope you guys get to read this and at least think about it. Many thanks!

Please Put a refresh button to the addon.

Please read this post:

Which is like, 3 posts above your post :P.

luv this addon. i use it specifically for Rbgs. Occasionally i host no voice so im wondering if there is a way to retain lead.. or designate lead ( red type) once the rbg is entered. its annoying to have your caller have orange ( raid ) type and a random person with red ( leader ) type. make sense?