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oQueue icon not shown. /oqueue have some issues


First I use Mac OS X

I installed oQueue and copied it on interface folder. oQueue icon doesnt show beside the map, and when I press /oQueue the window shows but half of it and blank (Check the link below).

thank you


Same Problem here on Windows7!

what does this return:

/script print( GetCVar("realmList") ) ;

Same identical issue.

the script returns me:

but it is strange because I play in "Pozzo dell'eternità", in EU

Same here

the script returns me:

could you please do something about this issue?

Hey meshalaw, not sure this is helpful but quite simple to try, it seems..

open WoW-folder , then go into the WTF-folder. First of all, right-click and Copy the '' file. Then just mouse right-click any unused area in the folder and select Paste. It should make a copy of the file, incase you mess something up .. if you do, just delete the corrupted file and rename the copy you just made to the original ''-filename. Just thought I'd mention it, just in case ... :]

Anyway, once you are no longer at risk for corrupting your file and not knowing how it was originally..

Open the ''-file in Notepad.

...continue in next post cos of bs 2K char-limit.... ->

..continuation cos of bs 2K char-limit for forumposts..

CTRL+F to open search-box (or in Notepad, from top-left drop-down menu Edit -> Find ..). type in this:


You may find a line that looks something like this:

SET locale "enUS"

try change it to

SET locale "enGB"

Also maybe try change the

SET installLocale "enUS"

For each change you do, or new combination of changes, do only one at a time, and try the game and see if it works between each try. That way, when you find the solution, you will know exactly what worked, and be able to re-set the other potential values you changed which may not be needed and cause other unintended effects.

Not sure that does anything really, and seems weird if you don't have any problem otherwise and normally play on EU realms ?

Googling something like this you may find more info on changing your client from US to EU-version. Although it seems you have no problem playing on EU realms already, it seems weird the above command would reply "us.logon ..".

try search terms like this in Google:

change wow us to eu

So after makin backup n all, and trying new settings one by one to pinpoint the issue (ya that takes time n sux some times.. number of changes at once at ur discretion/own risk..! :p) and still doesn't work... try using instructions u found after googling as such, to rly make sure ur client is pointed at the EU version of the system.

Hope that was of some help. If nothing else some more for u to look at while the experts here get around to giving an other answer if needed eh.. good luck!

Hey guys !

I have recently installed oQue aswell and the icon on the minimap doesn't even show up. When I put in /script print( GetCVar("realmList") ) ; it says something like which is a private on which I played on for a little while to do wotlk achievements on 80. I've checked my realmlist but it seems to be correct. No private realm entry. I've tried to change my file and changed all values to GB instead of US as I am playing on european realms but it didn't help :( Can you guys help me please ?

Thanks in advance !


you'll need to find where '' is stored and clear it out. usually it can be found in wow/wtf/ .. if not, you'll have to search around and find it. maybe a file in the wow/data folder