Oqueue bugs and feature recommendations

Hi, first I'd just like to say, thank you SO MUCH for making oqueue, it makes raiding, and just about anything else that needs a group, so much easier. But, there are a few things that I've noticed that make it a bit harder to use, or features that would be extremely useful. First off is what I'm not sure if is a bug, or something working as intended. In a recent update, the way a groups minimum ilvl is displayed changed, and now, if there is a player with a lower ilvl than the minimum in the group, that will be displayed as the groups ilvl. This means that people using the 'qualified' checkbox will sometimes get groups listed that they can't queue for. Not the end of the world, but I figured i'd mention it.

The other thing I'd really love to see is off-spec support. having the addon be able to take a snapshot of your gear when you are in your offspec, and then display that offspec and ilvl in the wait list? That way, when forming a group, you can pick a dps with a tank os so you can do shamans the easy way, or know that your boomkin can also tree if necessary.

Sorry if this post belongs somewhere else, I looked around for a centralized bug thread but didn't see one.

Howdy Jericho,

the ilevel showing the lowest in the group is working as intended. this allows people to know when they are joining a carry-group

as for off-spec, unfortunately, there isn't enough room for the data to be sent in the req-waitlist message. also, the info is grabbed at the time you hit the wait list button. you would have to change specs and change gear for your offspec data to be collected properly.

for now, when you're pending... you can submit some of your offspec info by clicking the grey note icon to the left of the pending label. this allows you to type in a note that is visible on the group leader's wait list

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