
I understand what OQSK is used for, but I'm literally OQSK or Unkn is now a battletag friend every couple seconds without end.  It just keeps coming.  There's nothing I've been able to do as of yet to make it stop.  Am I supposed to get that every couple seconds?  Is there a way to fix that. It's taking up my whole chat since it won't stop.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

the SK isn't accepting any friend requests and it would only rarely try to get more friends if it's connection is weak (which never happens now)

I've done everything i can to stop the auto-friending, including trying to make the case to blizz.  the issue is two people sending friend requests to each other.  if the friend requests were pending in eachother's pending list at the same time, i could understand.  but that's not the case.  your oQueue sends in a request for info, the SK gets that request, declines it, processes it then sends back a response in a friend request 5-10 seconds later.  at no time did either of us accept a friend request, yet we get friended as we had crossing friend requests within the same X seconds (i've increased the time to 30 seconds... still friends)

hopefully some blizz person will read this and take pity on us mere mortals
Haha, right.  Thanks for the answer!
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