One toon stopped working

I have one toon that can't seem to use oqueue for the last few days. I get no connections listed on the premade tab. If i switch to another toon on the same realm, I see >400 connections. I click find mesh and see an answer sometimes. If I do that over and over sometimes it will add a new friend and then start showing me some premades, but the connections are still 0 - 3. I have not been success at joining one yet though. Any ideas?

make sure 'auto join oqgeneral' is checked on the setup tab

It is... as I said it works for all my other toons just fine

Is the toon which is having the problem on the same realm as the other toons, which are not having a problem?

If they are on different realms, youll wanna check your realmlist config for WoW as your realmlist for your locale may not be set properly. Which could affect some realms, but not others, asUS and EU share some similar realms.

Yes, other toons on the same realm work fine

when you say the toon's connection is '0-3' that tells me you're not connected to oqgeneral. the '0' is the number of people in oqgeneral on your realm.

bring up your social window ('O' by default)... look for the chat tab. under custom you should see 'oqchannel' if you're connected. do you?

one thing, you're only able to connect to 10 channels. are you max'd out?

I went into the chat tab as you suggested and found no channels at all. I joined general and then your channel appeared and now it says 293 - 1.

Just to see what would happen, I left general and logged. When I came back I had the same problem and nothing in the chat tab. It appears that the current version of oqueue requires me to have at least one chat channel open. AFAIK I left chat channels a long time ago because they are annoying on this server. This problem only started occuring in the last week or so.

A friend on the same server that started having the same problem added a chat channel and it started working for him too.

Thanks for the help!

whoa. that's one i hadn't considered.

there were complaints that oQueue would take chanel-id 1 ... so i implemented a mechanism that would wait until the other channels were allocated before oQueue would grab its channel.

if someone were to leave ALL channels, then yes... oQueue would never grab oqgeneral.

i wonder how many people leave ALL channels

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