not qualified??

cant even join black temple .. wtf :D ( im lvl 89)
is that normal? o_O
qualfications to join a group are set by the leader and are generally seen either on the row over the tooltip.

if the response is 'not qualified', that's usually due to either your level or ilevel of your gear.
got a similar issue.

flex 2, asking for tank, healer & dps with 550+ ilvl.  I'm a windwalker monk with 566. I received the notice "waitlist denied, incorrect role" ? how on earth is that possible, he's requesting all 3.

the only thing i can think of is i'm in mainspec (ww) but my lootspec is set to mistweaver
type: /oq stats

look for 'my_role' ... what does it say?

hasn't happened again yet, i'll let ya know if it does
just happened again on my mage. Soo normal, were looking for tank/dps. my_role set as damager
what was the exact message you received? 

you may not qualify due to:  oqueue version, level, ilevel, role, or class
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