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"Not qualified Garrosh" and "Not Qualified: Rating too low" for Garrosh nm runs

After trying to join a Garrosh normal run on my 550 paladin for over an hour (unsaved and WITH curve, mind you), I've gotten 2 really weird errors (and one that I've found explanations for). I once got a a "Not Qualified: Garrosh" message and I once got a "Not Qualified: Rating too low" for another Garrosh run. Why am i getting these errors?

The person that created the OQ listing set a gearscore higher than 550. Just an assumption though.

same issues, with only joining a raid i'm "qualified" , but different scenario/boss

why is it allowed to have a minimum ilvl requirement such as 550 but then oq shows the lowest ilvl in the raid is lower than the set requirement. pretty stupid especially when oq shows that im "qualified"