New Bug

29x oqueue-1.8.0\oqueue_ui_tools.lua:147: attempt to index local "f" (a number value)
oqueue-1.8.0\oqueue_ui_tools.lua:147: in function "CreateFrame"
oqueue-1.8.0\oqueue_ui_tools.lua:288: in function "panel"
oqueue\oqueue-1.8.0.lua:9538: in function "create_raid_listing"
oqueue\oqueue-1.8.0.lua:16228: in function "process_premade_info"
oqueue\oqueue-1.8.0.lua:16073: in function "?"
oqueue\oqueue-1.8.0.lua:20412: in function "process_msg"
oqueue\oqueue-1.8.0.lua:19906: in function "?"
oqueue\oqueue-1.8.0.lua:20986: in function <oqueue\oqueue.lua:20983>

parent = oqtabpage2list {
 __x = 0
 __y = 0
 0 = <userdata>
name = "ListingRegion"
x = 20
y = 793
cx = 699.99998386061
cy = 25
no_texture = true
hmmm.... not sure why that would happen.  checking into it
Just a heads up Tiny, after removing all WTF LUA files on all toons and in the main folder this bug seems to have gone. Re-installed the main OQ Mod aswell of corse. All is good, anymore issues I'll post with full reports via Pastebin.

Kind regards, Sam.
good to hear.

i'm working on 1.8.1 which has a few bug fixes, performance enhancements, and a new feature (enhanced search filters).  i'm trying to get the main find-premade list to trim down. (if i only knew then what i know now...)

(enhanced search filters)? I was thinking about the filter operators, such as ("ordos" OR "flex 1" OR "HC Scenario").. If you have already taken this into account for the new feature, I will really appreciate it!  :D

here is the change.log line for this feature:

        add: additional logic filters (ie:  "cel | ordo" or "flex & 1 | 2" or "rgb & !yolo"); left to right order

note: the operators are | and & ... not the words
Bug has re-appered sadly : /

Hope this helps,

Kind regards, Sam.
1.8.1 already has checks for this.  no need to re-post its occurrence
thx tho
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