Need help downloading Oqueue

My oqueue right now is 1.6.0 and i tried deleting it and redownloaded 1.9.9 so I can have a working oqueue and its not working too well can anyone help?

sounds like you're using the curse client to update oQueue. don't.

if you're on windows, exit your wow completely, download icebox ( ), save it to your desktop, run it, select oQueue, hit 'remove' to clear out the old folder, then select it again and hit 'update' to install

I deleted it out of curse client and it wont go away :/ i tried doing icebox and got an error but ill try again

Yeah i get an error so I can't do icebox so idk what to do

are you on a mac or winxp?

you can always install it normally, by dnloading the zip file and extracting it into your wow/interface/addons folder

I have xp i believe comp is pretty old

I dont think i have an addon folder it just says cache, logs, patches, updates

Go into the interface folder which should be in the same directory as the ones you just mentioned.

Within that folder should be an AddOns folder. If not, maybe you can make one.

Yeah I dont have one IDK how to do this stuff lol

This might be slightly different now as the site has changed alittle, but the video in this thead might help:

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