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Multispec Q'ing

Almost all of my toons can run as multiple roles. It would be nice if I could Q as say a heals or DPS, tank / dps etc....
I came here to say exactly this. I have a paladin and I can do a very nice tanking and also a very nice damage-dealing. And most of the time I don't mind doing either, I just want that boss killed the earliest.
You could have like a "Save current spec and gear as off-spec" button and not needing to switch everytime or something.

Thx tiny.
The real problem is the size of the data packets oQueue is able to send. It would be possible to save your offspec information but it is not possible to send two specs worth of information in a wait list request. One spec worth of information already barely fits.

We have some ideas for work arounds so maybe in later full version releases it could be possible.