lua error, a notice to friends note and a wish


1. i've got a lua error.
( Region: EU, Realm: Der Mithrilorden, Mesh: 0 bn-contacts )

1x oqueue\oqueue-1.8.8.lua:19592: bad argument #1 to "tonumber" (string expected, got nil)

oqueue\oqueue-1.8.8.lua:19592: in function "?"
oqueue\oqueue-1.8.8.lua:22296: in function "process_msg"
oqueue\oqueue-1.8.8.lua:21841: in function "?"
oqueue\oqueue-1.8.8.lua:22934: in function <oqueue\oqueue.lua:22931>

enc_data = ""
sk_time = 1399230996
curr_oq_version = "188"
xdata = "BggA1nRfkBdeA8QSkB"
xrealm_arena = "0"
sig = "skaa004"
now = 1399231019
dt = 23
(*temporary) ={
AB = 136
WSG = 55
EotS = 50
SSM = 49
DWG = 50
TP = 50
DKP = 44
SotA = 44
ToK = 54
IoC = 81
BFG = 50
_f ={
1 = 88
2 = "|Kf88|k00000000000|k"
4 = false
8 = false
9 = 1373557529
10 = false
11 = false
14 = true
15 = 0
16 = false

/* functions removed to reduce post size ^^ */ >

2. missing note "OQ,mesh node" on automaticly invited bn contacs by "find mesh".

3. please make premate type to a must have field. sometimes its very hard to find a group without select a type for the high frequently changing premate list.

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