Incorrect Role

So i just clicked the same oqueue raid a few times with my mage and each time got removed, for no special reason. Then the 3rd time i clicked i got "signup refused - incorrect role" or something but i couldn't find ANYWHERE which role they required. There was nothing in the title just "Soo 10 Fresh", no more no less. Nothing about needing a healer or tank. Kind of anoys me bigtime.

I wish there was also a way in oqueue to tell it both your specs. Afaik it only shows your current one. But my monk is dps / healer, yet i don't get accepted into raids for example that require a healer because i am in my dps spec when waitlisting. I'm definitely not going to just sit around in healer mode when i can be doing questing etc in the mean time in dps mode. One should be able to configure oqueue with both specs
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