i could make oQueue CRZ only

would anyone like a CRZ only version of oQueue?

this would allow you to work w/ people in your x-realm area and advertise/join those groups

I would like to see that and I know many raiders would too if It shows stats and other stuff that we took for granted in your program.

Not going to lie, that would be a pretty cool thing to have. I just like having options.

What about a website based OQ? where you log in and you can see who is online, who made a group, maybe join rooms etc With a CRZ on top of that, that would be sweet

blizzards LFG thingy is bad...they will probably make it better eventually, but who has few years, I want oqueue... :(

kk... i'll put out a crz-only version later on today

What about a website based OQ

Making something like that wouldn't be complicated really at all. But Openraid is already pretty much exactly that. There might be a hundred or so groups listed over the period of a week, so it doesn't seem like too many people find it useful.

Looking for the CRZ version but don't see it. Personally, I think the new in-game premades interface is garbage and I feel just as lost as I did before I found oqueue. Even if it just works with the realms that we're crossed with already, it will far surpass the current in-game interface. Please add this and light up my life again guys. I'd work out a monthly donation for this.

P.S. I am thoroughly surprised/ashamed at the lack of posts regarding this addon being (basically) blocked. People...speak up. Say something. Support this. I saw 300+ groups per day, and looks like less than 10 people even care.

yes ! i want Oqueue :-)

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