So for last 2 days ive been having serious fps issues it will studder randomely it was the most annoying thing (duels were a pain in the ass). It wasn't doin it in bgs or instances only in major citites and im not on a high population server. My screen would studder constantley i contacted blizz with the issue i thought it was my shitty wiring in my house causing the issue, tried playing at a freinds house to see if it was the wiring or the internet tried direct plugin to my internet to see if it was my wirless driver or adapter. deleted my cache folder ect ect I TRIED EVERYTHING. as a last reseort i disabled all my non intance or bg addons including oque and then it stopped so i re-enabled my addons one by one and sure enough oqoue was the issue. And it made sense that it was everytime a new event is added in oque it caused my fps to spike down to 8-10 >://////////// anyone else having the same problems? and yes i updated it after i found this out and i still have the issue.


BUT otherwise great addon!!! good job guys ty for the time:)

Howmany friends are on your friends list? If you are anywhere near 100, reducing the # of friends on your friends list might help.

Also, if you have "announce premades" enabled, you might want to try disabling that.

Lmk if either of that helps.

I know you said you have the latest version, but can you confirm the exact version you are running?

top center of oQueue. what version does it say? (sometimes people don't actually get the update after they install)

also... do you have 'tradeforwarder' installed / enabled?

1.9.8 is the oq veersion

announce remades is disabled

and i keep my friends list nice and tidy so ive got 53

what exacltey is a trade forwarder? the only trade or mailbox addons i use is whats in auctioneer and altoholic

do you launch your wow using the client or wow directly?

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