FPS stuttering

I don't get a disconnect, I get FPS stuttering as previously mentioned.
I also get FPS stuttering after long arena sessions with oqueue on. In these sessions, I had created the premade and invited someone to my group. After about 10-20 games, I have to tell them I have to restart my client because the game is starting to show major screen lag for no apparent reason. Once I restart my game client, it's temporarily fixed.
That is actually exactly what is happening to me, Bujutsu. Also on one of my characters, though I can have high connection I will see like say 40 premades and then within a couple minutes it's down to like 3-4 and it will go a bit up then down, it's very odd and I only notice it on one character at the moment.
I figured out how to fix this last night. Sadly to find the answer I had to smoke a bunch of peyote and talk the the internet dwarves in lower earth. Thats all I can remember. But, mine is fixed and no longer does it. So theres hope.
I have almost the exact same problem, every time I join an Arena I get uber FPS spikes.

It's definitely got nothing to do with my PC, I can login both my account and my wifes account simultaniously and run around Pandaria with no lag.

Strangely it doesn't happen in every arena, but about 4/5 arenas it spikes to the point that it isn't playable.

It seems not many people are having this issue... I've tried disabling all settings in Oqueue and no luck.

The only solution I have is to find a group, logout and disable the addon and log back in before the person I invited leaves the group.

It's really a shame because it seems to be a great addon but it's near enough completely broken for me.
i cap my conquest every week doing arena. i haven't had any such issues.

if you suspect oQueue could be an issue, you can disable the communications and re-enable when you come out.

when you enter arena, try doing this: /oq off

to reenable it, you can open oqueue or type: /oq on

let me know if that helps. if it does, that might point towards a potential ddos style attack by the enemy. essentially attemping to flood you with oqueue messages. i'm not sure if this would have an impact, but if it does, i'd love to know (and try to isolate/simulate/rectify)
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