Explain Autorole feature

Hi there,

sorry english is not my native language ...

So I need some information about the "Autorole" option in the configuration. How does it works ?

I mean you can turn it on or off, I suppose if it's on that your current spec is the one shown in the queue ... OK

But here is my problem : I have two spec with my drood, one is Heal other in Tank. But I don't want to join with Tank spec as I heal only in raids. But when I farm or complete quest while waiting for some raid with oQ, I mostly use the Tank Spec.

Can it be possible, like in LFR raid to choose the spec you want to tag with in oQ ???

Cheers to all.
The way auto role works is so that when you are invited to a group, if you are say moonkin spec, or feral spec, then when you join the group your "role" will be set to dps.

So you will see in chat it will say: "[playername] has set their role to dps". 

If you want to waitlist(que)  as a healer for a oQueue group, you have to activate your healing spec, then waitlist for the group. 

The spec in which you currently have active is the spec in which you are waitlisting as. You cannot pick which spec to waitlist as, other than the spec which you currently have active. 

thanks for the answer it helps me to understand one thing : role apply to Tank / heal / DPS role and does apply to spec.

So there is no solution to my problem ... I must queue as heal and wait until the group is set up, in the meantime (once in queue) can I switch to tank spec to complete my quests or shall I keep the healer spec ?

Once you have qued (waitlisted) for a group, you can switch to whatever spec you would like. 

The spec which is recorded when you que is the spec in which you currently have activated. After you que, you can change your spec freely and it will not effect your que. 
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