Couple of suggestion to author

That's about filtering raid groups in "Find premade" tab:
1. Would be nice to have a "not full" checkbox which would filter out all the full groups - in case of normal/hc raids it's very useful ti quickly find what you need.
2. Is it possible to implement more advanced keyword filtering system, just like in google or similar systems, to allow user filter out some words, say:
"+flex -norm" - to remove all the groups with "norm" in description.

3. Would be nice to see the description of the group in the invitation windows with "accept/decline" buttons.


check out hints (in-game; in-addon) for #2
for #3 "the invitation windows with "accept/decline" buttons" you mean for leaders? (you can see Premade tab)
as for #1... they should add it, some users might find it usefull

#3: for the ppl who got invited, because first thing they doing is asking "what's this?"
Invite button: Knowing which group you got into would probably be a good idea, on the accept invite button.

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