Character screen freezes

Hi there,
since i installed oq every time i open my character screen wow freezes for 10-15 sec´s. as soon as i deactivate oq the problem does not show up anymore. is there anyway you can help me?
thanx alot
disable all addons.
enable oqueue.
log in.
do you still have the problem?

this tests to see if you have a conflict with another addon
I'm having the same problem, it only occurs after entering an instance of any sort(BG or dungeon/Raid) and starting to cast spells. Completely freezes for a good 15-20 secs and will continue to do so until I log out and disable OQ. I'm not running any other addons.  I've also deleted oQ and reinstalled the latest version 
I am also experiencing the same problem (a few days ago -- using the March 13 build, it would only sometimes (1 in 20 times?) freeze d/c in arena -- today it started doing it every game). Removing oQueue fixed it.

Hoping there'll be a patch soon to fix this issue, as oQueue is how I find my arena groups!
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