Bug: oqueue removes group marker symbols

I am using version 1.9.7.

When I make an arena group with oqueue, I mark everyone with symbols before starting the match. This helps for seeing teammates' positions through boxes, pillars, etc. When we get into the arena prep room, the first person in is assigned leader, and can mark teammates with marker symbols. If that person is running oqueue, which is highly likely, symbols are removed at random from teammates' heads, which can cause positioning confusing when looking for those marker symbols to locate teammates. Disabling oqueue and clicking "go dark" work around this issue.

As a side note, I can't seem to edit the "confusing" -> "confusion" typo I made and I don't see my thread on the oqueue forum anywhere. The new forum software or database or something has something strange going on.

got it. thx for letting us know. we'll get this resolved asap

Cool. Thanks so much! :)


This is still happening. Please fix it! I can see places in the code where oqueue messes with raid markers (lucky charms), but I'm not sure exactly how I should edit it to fix it for myself, plus, it should be fixed for everybody. I'm tired of having to tell everybody to disable oqueue to keep my raid markers up on my arena teammates. They invariably get removed when someone has oqueue on and they happen to be handed leader.

ah. the situation where a player gets lead upon entry to a pvp instance. gotcha

made the change. expect it in the next update

This was the last issue I've had with oqueue. Thanks so much again! :)

Just fyi, in 3 separate arena groups I joined today, including one that wasn't using oqueue, people I didn't know separately said some variation of "make sure to disable oqueue so it doesn't remove group markers". This is a well-known issue in the arena community, and spoils the otherwise-good name of oqueue, so I would consider it a top priority.

Your fix didn't address this issue. oQueue still removes marks. It's not the other people removing marks. It's oQueue. Please make sure oQueue is checking with IsActiveBattlegroundArena() before changing marks.

Edit: Yes, I'm using 2.0.1.

Edit: Why isn't this thread being bumped when I post? It seems to be stuck on page 3 despite having relevant current information.

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