Auto-leave group when invited

Bug with auto-leave group when invited is NOT fixed :(
I already deleted the addons folder oqueue and cleaned all oqueue.lua files, then put the latest 1.8.0 and anyway i auto-leave groups.
This is not a bug with oQueue.

What is happening is you are more than likely running a addon which auto accepts groups invitations, ElvUI and TukUI do this. When both addons (ElvUI + oQueue) try to accept the same group invitation you are removed from the group once you enter. 

Disable the auto accept in elvui. 
Oh, damn! Exactly!
Guilty, lost my temper, dirtied honor officer's :)
;) im happy it working now
Another addon that will cause this is Leatrix Plus. Was having this issue myself several months back and finally tracked down what was causing it. Getting auto booted after an oQueue invite stopped happening once I disabled the just auto invite in Leatrix Plus.
Same for me and I do not have add-on such Leatrix, ElvUI or TukUI.

Impossible to build a raid groupe for World Bosses.
Kelevra, it is possible anohter addon has similar functionality to those addons.

Disable all your addons but oQueue. If oQueue works, then one of your addons has a conflict.

We can not possibly identify all of the addons which interfere, so it will be up to you to identify which one is the issue. 

If oQueue still doesnt work with all Addons disabled, then someone else might be up. 
Don't work with all Addons disabled.
I try to unclick fog of war and same problem persists...
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