2 Questions

1. In the posted raid tooltip popup there are colored blocks for raids; green, yellow, red. What do these mean? I would think its bosses down to the raid id of the leader but that would only require 2 colors so am a bit confused.

2. This is general wow question, only done pugged flex but how does raid locks work with normals? Is only instances where you're trying to join groups that haven't killed bosses that you have defeated cause issues and joing a grp that have killed the same bosses as you doesn't cause an issue? Used to BC raid ID system where you're tied to a raid ID and if the group kills a boss on another day that you weren't there for then that boss is defeated for you due to the raid id. Trying to understand what limitations there are with pugging normals.
1. the colored blocks indicate the highest difficulty on which you've clear that boss. yellow: flex, green: normal, red: heroic

2. for normal and heroic lockouts, you can only kill the same boss once per week. if you've killed the first 3 bosses and had to leave, you have to find another group that is on the fourth boss (or later) in order to join. if you join a group that is on the eight boss... you won't be able to do bosses 4, 5, 6 or 7 that week.
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