1.9.9a no connection?

A very strange issue has been happening to me for a while. I'm unable to connect to oque even after clicking find mesh. All my characters work fine yet on my main they don't.

are you US or EU?

what does this return: /script print(GetCVar("realmList"));


I tried the scrip and got us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com

next question is whether or not your system time is correct. check the system tab in oqueue and compare the GMT in the lower right to actual gmt

next, please make sure to have at least one chat channel in use and no more then 10

The GMT is currently on the dot. I also have a number of chat channels opened.

click 'clear filters' ?

Tried that as well. Still 0-1 on connection. I'm not entirely sure what caused this.

ah. 0-1 connection means you're not connected to oqgeneral on your local realm.

if you click 'find mesh' it will automatically join oqgeneral. please click it then check your setup tab, right side, to make sure 'auto join oqgeneral channel' is checked

you can also open your social tab and click the channel tab to see which channels you're in. oqchannel should be one of them

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