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Why can't I blacklist AV and IOQ

Hi, my toons are Horde, and it is very important that I blacklist these two maps: [Alterac Valley and Isle of Conquest] if I am going to make a premade.

I have found that my UI will not let me blacklist those pvp maps (actually it won't let me blacklist any pvp maps). I know that this is an unusual problem because it is standard prodecure to blacklist thost two pvp maps.

I removed all of my addons, and the problem went away, when i bring Oqueue back, the problem comes back.

I must be doing something wrong, because i know that lots of people use Oqueue, and they don't have this problem. I think Oqueue is a great addon and I can't possibly give it up. So, please tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Thanks Mal well look into it.

Also, please makesure you are running the most up to date version.
i looked into it and it seems blizz made a change that effected an early LoadAddon call. this was done to insure bg rating info was pulled down, but i tseems they addressed that as well.

removed the LoadAddon call and bg exclusion preferences are back.

look for this change in 1.9.1
Thanks for the help!