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v2.0.5 Update group problem.

So , this program have a problem or my setting have a problem ? which ?

It is possible there is a Bug, however come Tuesday oQueue will no longer work because Blizzard is removing parts of WoW's code which oQueue needs.

So we are unable to continue development or bug fixes at this time.

@ronburgundy then why we can't download old versions . This not bug man this a program problems . Today i 4 or 5 times tried this and always same problem ..And always disperse my all group , this bad really ..

This not bug man this a program problems

A bug is a programming problem.

Why are you concerning with the correct #'s being listed? Obviously a bug is not good, but are people not waitlisting for your groups?

2.0.3 will not help you. If you have 2.0.3 then users won't be able to waitlist if they have 2.0.5

the number on the hover tooltip shows the number of people in the group and the leader can get this info without any detail from the others

the roles in the group is dependent on the information sent from the oQueue of the members of the group. if they don't have oQueue enabled or installed, their role information isn't known.

if you see a group with 12 people on the tooltip but only 5 roles shown... that implies 7 people without oQueue are in that group

I think i undertood..I like this addon if little more useful when really will be good.

if you see a group with 12 people on the tooltip but only 5 roles shown... that implies 7 people without oQueue are in that group

I going to try it . I think this true but why when people don't have this addon can't take any role in oQ addon . If take any role really will be good.Anyway really thanks for interest and information .

I wait for update 10 sec later i asked people and he answered me : yes..So why he has although addon he can't take any role ?

if you can't see picture here link :


still same problem guys

i have 13 players but show 3 player

The mod is working as intended. I said what I thought the problem was and Tiny confirmed it. You aren't getting any more information as it won't even work in 3 days.

sometimes really i can't understand my english not perfect..Thanks for patience