
This add on could be so much better if it didn't have all this bloat. A couple things I find extremely annoying are that even though I have "Auto join oqgeneral channel" disabled, it still decides to join the channel. This fucks with my UI as I have seperate chat windows for general and trade which have to be entirely reset everytime oqueue comes along and fucks it up by joining it's channel in the number 1 spot. Another thing is that I don't see why I need a big blaring watermark reminding me of the third update to oqueue this week. You guys are constantly making this add on better, that's great, I don't need to be hit over the head with reminders of an update. Put the message out of the way, and I'll update when I feel like it.
What version are you running? With 1.8.6b we put in a fix for oq general grabbing /1. 
If you are running a version older than that, theres your problem. However it shouldn't be joinging oq general if you have the option unchecked ( wierd ). 
joining oqgeneral is a required part of oqueue.  whether or not you turn it on is up to you.
a reminder note floating over the middle bottom of the list is very unintrusive.  to remove it... update.
if you had updated, you would have received the fix to keep oqueue from grabbing channel 1.

please make sure to update and verify your issue still exists before posting.  thx

In what way is a floating box in the middle of my screen unintrusive? put it to the side where it isn't going to block anything I need to see.
ummm... no.  it's meant to be annoying enough so you spend the 30 seconds to update.
Good plan, make your add on as annoying as possible, that seems logical.
im not going to try to deal with bugs that have already been fixed... but the user just hasn't updated.

if that gets resolved with a box at the bottom of the screen, so be it

i guess I could just take oQueue offline for 6 hrs every tuesday...
Problem with oqueue grabbing channel 1 still persists. Version 1.8.7
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