stop updating every day...

Who cares what other addons are or aren't doing? Should I jump off a bridge just because you are doing it? If you don't like to take the 30 secs to update then don't use it. No one is making you do it. At. All.

So u suppose were using some addons cost your money ever update right? TELL US WAT ADDON CHARGES FEES !

He can't put it on curse. It was on curse. Now it isn't. Even if you don't know why obviously there is a reason he can't or it would still be on there.

With that being said, every thread started about someone complaining "why all the updates" should just be deleted. Shut up people. It is a free mod and you are COMPLAINING? Either use it or GTFO.
I don't think Tiny should compromise his work just because a handful, yes a handful out of everyone who uses this mod, are complaining. If they really have a problem with it they can stop using it.

I dont really mind the updates, ill usually just look past the box telling me to until I feel like updating.

With that being said though, if you got a bunch of people telling you the same thing compromise alil bit.

Everyone's seen where you post after these saying how many hours you work, and I think everyone appreciates that, (im on a shit server, couldnt ever get the amount of pvp in without it.) but again getting atleast one of these post every other day should start to tell you something, maybe cut your hours down. Do a once a week update or something. I mean lets be serious if your putting in 80hrs a week for a free addon that most thought worked great about 20 updates ago your putting to much work into it.

about 400k people are using oQueue every month. yet, a handful of people complain about updating. that's an extreme minority.

1.95 isn't being updated at this time. we're focusing on icebox and expanding the site. unless someone points out a major bug, 1.95 should be good for a couple of weeks.
Stop whining. Be Happy that he updated his addon all the time. rly only crying all the time... Thanks for your Addon Tiny!
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