Spanked for naughy ?

I got that because i reset my karma everytime someone gives an unjustified negative karma (ragequit after a loss, rage when you say they fucked up), did this cause noone ever uses positive karma even if you got a good run so i'd have a negative karma for no reason but grouping with a rager

It's a quite unfair punishment, but it's poorly done so it's very easy to remove ,just go into your oqueue folder, region,, find your battletag in the list and delete it, grats you're unbanned

To tiny: i find kinda strange you can see the files have been modified, looks like you put a sort of spy in the addon folder and i'm not really sure you're authorized to do that, also you probably prevented a lot of players from playing just because they slightly modified their ilvl/karma/rating to get into a group, you'd better track real abusers/hackers

looks like you put a sort of spy in the addon folder and i'm not really sure you're authorized to do that

There is no "Spy" in the addon folder. You log into WoW, your oQueue reports its karma, win loss, etc etc to the scorekeeper. If these #'s have changed significantly since the last time you checked in, its easy to assume that you modded your #'s.

Bottom line is it is considered exploiting to mod your values in any way.


it's poorly done so it's very easy to remove

Your oQueue actually functions just fine even if you get the spank message. It wasn't meant to be a rock solid ban.

I have same problem. Is possible that I have been spanked, cause I same day updated to 2.0.3 missed ilvls(didnt know about new addon), so changed it back to 2.0.1, logged in find out there is 2.0.5 and update to it? When you wrote, this issue is because of modifications to program.

The version you have won't cause you to be "Spanked", however, the "Spank" was added in 2.0.5. So that is why you are seeing it now. Older versions did not have the "Spank" in them.

After 5 seconds the popup should go away and you can use the addon normally.

Hi ,I also got the spanked mess. I've always downloaded oqueue from here and I never did anything special with it.

Except for when I got 2.0.5 it stopped showing ilevel, so I downgraded to previous version, got the ilevel back, and installed 2.0.5 again. And added ogear.

After that I got the "spanked". If reported karma gets messed up when I downgrade and upgrade oqueue it's not my fault. Please fix it.

Please fix it.

OQ won't work come Tuesday patch so it doesn't matter at this point.

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