Some questions abou OQ addon

I have few questions about OQ addon:
1. There is option to hide any raid on my will ("X" button). But nothing happens if i ckick on it with LMB. (RMB=ignore RL). Is it only ignore option or something works bad for me? I just want to hide the premades which don't sutisfy me but not ignore RL for nothing =)
2. I want to know why sometimes nothing happens when i clicked to queue someone. Usually this premade highlights green or i see error about full waitlist (i'm useing filter "only matching premades"). But sometimes no actions are done after clicking. What problem can it be?
3. I often see info about BG/RBG status in premades. How can i do the same? Any plugin or what?
Thanks for the attention and sorry for my poor language =) Waiting for u'r answers!
1.  RMB will ban that group leaders groups from the list.  this is usually used for offensive group names or bad leaders you'd rather never see again.  LMB is used to de-waitlist from groups you might be pending with

2.  sometimes group leaders forget to disband their oQueue group before logging out.  when that happens, you can still click waitlist but the leader will not respond (as he's offline). can also cause this problem.  if is glitching or under attack, your messages may get dropped on the back end.  there is nothing that can be done about that.

3.  what do you mean 'do the same'?  if you're running a group, you will send group status to your bnet oQueue friends while in the instance.
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