Some guy in OQ offering 2k carries to girls for nude pics

Not sure how to get this person's premade removed from oQueue?

Its pretty uncool from a female perspective to be seeing this in game.
lol shut up. either do it or dont. being offended just makes you stupid.
The question is, are you allowed to advertise this way using oQueue, thanks for opinion though.
point is why report. idc if he does it or not. oqueue inst really golden for wow. they have said they arnt cool with it but we do it anyways. why choose to stop the train at this guy.
Just summarising your logic - it's wrong/against rules but because it happens so why stop it?

my logic is this guy isnt harming you or impeding your gameplay so why care. either you are offended (you shouldent be) or you are just a shit disturber (again why) what this random guy is doing isnt harming you but you are taking efforts to impede him. my logic is the personality that you have is silly to say the least. this is what you should do. ignore it. dont choose when you want to listen to the rules and when you want others to. activly think about what this random dude is doing to you and if its nothing then do nothing lol its none of your buisness. fyi thats just good life advice.

So its all about me, from my couple of written lines you can infer that I:

  • am easily offended
  • am a shit disturber
  • am unfairly impeding another player
  • am silly
  • am unaffected by this person

Im guessing you dont agree that this persons ad in oQueue is a broadcast seen by alot of other people, guys and girls, that portrays women/girls in demeaning ways, depicting them as sexual objects in positions of inferiority.

i asked if you had any stakes in it. you said no. if these people did they can take w.e steps they want. you cant hide behind other people. you have no reason other then being a cunt to want this. you arnt offended. and you arnt being impeded. your just being a cunt. lol you arnt a hero you are a cunt. you arnt the internet police you are a cunt. get it. you have no right you are just arrogant. you are just you lol and thats all right but that you is a cunt.
i know. life lessons are wow moments. now you know though lol.
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