rating to low

Im trying to wl on a raid with a 555 ilvl required i currently have a 561 ilvl and it says my rating is to low

I think this is broken by allowing BG ratings to dictate raid requirements. PVP should not be allowed as a condition for raiding.

Hey guys, sorry for the confusion.

Please update to 1.9.7a, should solve the problem as we accidently introduced this bug in the previous version.

Ron, do we know if the crashing issues are only associated with 1.9.7, and not a? I would like to update but I find 1.9.5 quite cozy with no crashing ^.^

Only issue I am having is this low rating thing trying to get into H Scen.

in 1.9.7, i moved the b.net communications out of the main UI thread and into a separate thread. this removed and preceived performance hits when b.net started slowing down. i've been using it for the last month without issue... but this week i've noticed the scorekeeper, which gets LOADS of b.net traffic, was having issues where it may not recieve all messages. this all started around monday or tuesday, i believe

I hit find mesh like 6 times just now and only once did it say it recieved it. And even then I didn't get any more bnets ids.

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