Please Remove or Fix Oqueue Raid Lockout


Oqueue is supposed to help on creating inter-realm groups of players. When this function about controlling lockouts from raids, preventing players to queue up to waitlist is added, the main purpose of this addon is obstructed.

From some weeks, and this is getting worst, its hard to queue up for raid because the addon is not working at it should and blocking players who whant to join other players and they could.

An example:

I played Soo this week till Shamans so my raid lockout is 6/14, now i wanna join an oqueue grp to defeat Garrosh, but i can't join waitlist of the event because the event is created with 0/14 lockout, and oqueue assumes we will conflict. Thats WRONG.

It happens event creators do not own saves or they create event and when raid is full, someone shares its raid lockout.

So please, go back to times when oqueue just help us to create pugs and play together, and stop adding these functions. They dont help at all.

Sorry for my english, btw. Im trying my best.


please check this:

the lockouts are shown on the right (ie: SoO10 (6/14)) and have nothing to do with the description (ie: Garrosh Kill)

if you're 6/14 you will not be able to wait list for an 0/14 group even if it says they're going to do garrosh... because the raid leader is not locked passed your lockout.

Tiny, read what he posted again. "now i wanna join an oqueue grp to defeat Garrosh"

I raid heroics, but lets say my guild is taking a break that week and I want an heirloom, and I'm not going to pug a garrosh heroic group. I also wouldn't want to kill 14 bosses for an heirloom. What do I do? I make a group on oqueue labeled: "10N SoO @ Garrosh" But wait im 0/14, that means any person who has at least killed immerseus cannot queue. So I wont get to find someone who holds the lockout for garrosh.

¡That's it!, Thanks Nichols.

I usually play HC Pugs that ends at 6-8 first bosses, then i try to finish Soo on NM with another groups, but oqueue dont allow me to join waitlists of ppl with clear saves because conflicts, but the fact is they dont care my lockout, because objectives bosses are on description, and sometimes we are joining raid lockout from char outside of raid.

Hope i explained myself better this time, and thanks for this amazing addon.

if you're 0/14 and CREATE a group... the group lockout is 0/14. of course someone that is 6/14 won't be able to join.

I think what you're really saying is... you want to join someone else's group that is 6/14 because you don't care about the first 6 bosses.

is this what you mean?

No. Actually WoW already have mechanics that allow players to share they lockout on group. But we can't do that if oqueue just dont allow us to group up, i mean, previous and necessary step done by oqueue for inter-realm groups.

"if you're 0/14 and CREATE a group... the group lockout is 0/14. of course someone that is 6/14 won't be able to join". <- This is exactly the problem, i should be enable to join!: With current ingame mechanics, we are able to group up, and then, if we really are interested on same objectives (lockout), we decide wich save will be used.


I have my lockout on 6/14, and have a geared friend who only wants Garrosh (13/14) for heirloom. He really dont want to kill anything else than Garrosh, so he create a group. Technically, his lockout is 0/14, mine 6/14, but we dont care about that as we configure raid, because someone on raid has an 13/14 lockout, and will be given RL before entering Soo, so we all share his lockout and just kill Garrosh. This actually can be done using ingame lockout mechanics.

What i wish, is oqueue to allow us these things ignoring our lockouts, we will care about them when time to zone in comes. With current configuration, we cant just start grouping up.

Hope this help clarify.

Thanks for your patience dude!!

if your lockout is 6/14 and your buddy is 0/14 .. and the 2 of you want to join a group with a 13/14 lockout... that'll work now.

but, if you or he creates the group, the 13/14 guy will not be able to wait list.

also, disregard your achieve level (ie: 13/14 as haven't cleared garrosh yet) as that has no bearing on lockout conflicts.

My lockout is curently 13/14. I just queued for serval Garrosh groups, who also have 13/14 - but still I recieve the "raid lockout" message.

@smerte do you get the 'raid lockout' response from every group or just some?

btw, excellent screenshot. everything i need in one shot

I get the response for every group I queue for - it has been like this for about 3 weeks now.
I can only queue if the RL did not choose "SoO10". But even if I am saved at the same boss as the RL, I can't queue. - I can still queue for flex groups.

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