Pending friends requests problem

Thanks Ron. As usuall stellar support :)

Will monitor this thread, hopefully there`s a quick fix before the next oQueue version.
Thanks Ron. As usuall stellar support :)
Thank you :)

What we think is happening is your realm list might be mis configured. The realm list is a WoW config file named, normally located in /World of Warcraft/Data/enUS/, for US players. For EU players this would be very similiar.

In this file is a line which should say or, depending on the region you play in. If this line of code, or the whole file is missing, or you have the wrong realmlist line in the file, oQueue is not able to pull your realm name, and you receive the error you reported.
Hey Ron,

Just wanted to thank you and tiny for getting back so quickly to me and resolving my issue.

There is no anymore apparently (searched for it a bit before researching it - ) but there is in the WTF folder.

Basically because I had accounts on both US and EU - the game was set to enUS so I just changed it to enGB in the SET locale "enGB" , and SET installLocale "enGB" and now it's fixed. No more Pending problems. Since then I've killed Normal Garrosh because of oQueue.

So yeah, thanks again and if anyone else has this problem, this is most likely why :)
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