Oqueue Download stuck

I've been stuck at 33% for an hour trying to download this new update. I've tried exiting out and trying again. Even tried uninstalling it and it wouldn't even do that. I'm about ready to uninstall icebox all together. Would have but the program doesn't show on my CC cleaner to uninstall. Please help with this. I'd like to keep Oqueue but this is just ridiculous.

So after a while it crashes and tells me there's a problem with the program and it has to close.

the site has been under a major load all day. i bumped the priority of the process which should help

i dont get what u sau proprity of the process what it supposed to mean... sériouly?

i dont get what u say proprity of the process what it supposed to mean... sériouly?

He means the hamster on the wheel is having trouble running fast enough to support the website and download needs.

I've deleted the program and redownloaded it. Only seemed to make it worse in the fact it won't connect to the server now. That and it randomly shuts down on its own now.

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