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OQueue devs: Please fix the horrible group list system


As a user, I should be able to click on a group to join, without it moving around. So that, I don't join other random groups.

It shouldn't be a mini game, simply to click on the group you are trying to waitlist for.

You need to load the groups off screen, and not move the groups around. Allow the users to re-organize the list as you already do, but this way, it won't be moving all the groups all over the place. And, make the addon much nicer to use.

Just a suggestion.


there are 5 filters, 8 sorting orders, regular expressions and a dead mans switch all to make finding and selecting a particular wait list button as easy as possible. there have been videos, threads and snowmen all describing how to utilize these functions. we've even got twitter accounts, Facebook groups and the worlds largest vent to help explain it to people.

if you've chosen to ignore all that and instead just use the force, I really don't know what more I can offer.

might I suggest looking up old Ben Kenobi ... I heard he might have a few pointers
holy rude passive aggressive reply batman.
holy rude passive aggressive reply batman.
He started it? just kidding.
horrible group list system

Anyways. Snuffa, hold the Shift key and it will pause the list. Problem solved.

what you want to do is just hold the shift key to pause the list update.