oQueue 1.9.5 - feedback

quite a few improvements over 1.94. let me know what you think

-- changes --
BUGFIX: player-role picked up on spec change and reload
BUGFIX: raid subtype will change properly
BUGFIX: extra checks for valid group info
BUGFIX: when hopping from LFR to LFR, would quit group to cleanup existing oQueue data. fixed
BUGFIX: will clean up the OQ raid when alone in a group and you're not the OQ leader
BUGFIX: wasn't sending premade info to oqgeneral if only one in group
BUGFIX: waitlist response to same realm wasn't sending
BUGFIX: group member count was inaccurate when in an instance
BUGFIX: who-popped-lust fixed for pve (thx EU's Aniz-Azjol Nerub!!)
UPD: class spec text added to tooltip for in-group and waitlist items
UPD: adjusted de-listing from pending groups when invited. will now de-list appropriately (dead groups will remain until dissolved)
UPD: regular raids will now show up without subtype abbreviation

Haha, i just downloaded 1.9.4 and i was like, FINALLY, i hope the next update will not be soon, and when i log in and check Oqueue it says a new update aviable, i was like FFS now i need to relog again D:
i'm new to the forums, i really like OQ, good work.

to be honest, most updates just require a reload once you have the new files
You're doing a really great job on the bug fixes, and i really like oqueue, my guild is dead atm because alot of things has happend etc, and oque helps me find the things that i need to do or just for fun.
But there are so many updates, and i read earlier you're doing it when you find a bug, wich is great but a bit annoying :s But keep the good work going :)
one thing to tell anyone that complains about frequent updates... DBM pushes multiple updates to curse ... everyday

oQueue updates every 3-4 days, with patches inbetween if you frequent the site. this isn't very much at all

if you use icebox, updating becomes trivial
Thank you, downloaded icebox now.
Icebox crashes every time i try to open it. Just redownloaded and still same. Hmm

there is a problem with icebox when you have your wow logged into game. exit it before entering game

Updated to 1.9.5.

Still not showing the number of users in a group correctly. Have a 25 Man Garrosh group showing just 9 in the group. I get invited and the group was already full to 25, so I got promptly kicked. Still 10 minutes later it is showing 9 in the group as they steadily keep bring down the percentage on Garrosh. Also, I cannot left click on the X and get out of the "wait List" for the group, even though i am no longer in it. I get the pebnding message and have the paper with the fold in the upper right corner so I can message the raid Leader. When i open that I can type in it, but it does nothing when I click send.
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