OQ Stopped working

Hello! :D

I have a problem, I wait listed a grp and got battletag invited but no grp, afterwords OQ froze up, nothing was updating, I relogged and apon relogging got the message along the lines of I needed to setup a battletag. Well I fixed that problem but now OQ is blank, I have 0 listings from anyone, I've checked forums trying to figure out how to fix it but nothing is working, I can click Find mesh and it still puts someone on my battle tag but no premades... even at this time of morning I have never had OQ blank :/

Thank you!

Problem is still active today... I cannot see or create premades :( it's just blank, Time is setup right, I've tried reinstall everything :/

Just used my hearthstone and it's working :/ not sure whats up with that XD

YOU AINT ALONE, I have the same problem and its very frustrating, tried everything in set up. At a loss, as was working quite good. I fear I may have inadvertently done something, I wonder if tiny has a trouble shoot proceedure

if you have an issue, you have to describe it in detail so i can have a clue on the cause.

most recently, it's come to my attention that some people run with no channels active. no general, trade, local... nothing. this would mean oQueue would not join the oqgeneral channel to exchange premade info to the other members of your realm.

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