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OQ--Bnet invites....problems here

So i am using 2.0.1 Oq.....I sign up for a wait list, nothing happens....nothing happens, nothing happens. I get fed up with waiting, log out and LOW AND BEHOLD.....after exiting world of warcraft completely there are several new pending requests from Oq on my Bnet that were NOT there while I was logged into the game. Can anyone tell me what the heck is going on?????

that's blizzard not delivering the information. has been getting progressively worse over the last few weeks. there's really nothing i can do to insure blizzard adheres to the api they provide and actually deliver the information.

with 2.0.1, i implemented the auto-invite regardless whether or not says they target is friended and online (i use to wait until told me the target was friended and online).

i fully expect these problems to 'mysteriously' get worse as we get closer to WOD.

ugh, so basically it looks like I have to rely on my fiance to help me get into groups. My big problem is that I'm not getting an auto accept when I get the invites. Or rather, I did until about a week I see all the groups I want to join, but instead of getting into them, I get the pending request only after I've logged out...because I got tired of waiting for an invite. does that make sense?