Only 30 pre-mades out of over 200 are showing.

I tried find mesh, reloading ui, relogging, reinstalling and it still isn't showing all the raids in oqueue. My boyfriend in the same room opened oqueue and saw over 60 in his raid section while I only saw 11 listed. Very frustrating as I don't know what the issue is.

I figured it out. I unchecked the qualified box. However, there is something wrong with the qualified feature because I was qualified for a lot of the raids that were hidden.

If you are not on the current version 1.9.7b you should update.

The ones u may not qualify for my have filtered u out according to your role and not just your iLVL.

when you hover over a group, if you don't qualify for it, there will be a tooltip below the normal group info explaining why

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