NEW VERSION! oQueue 2.0.1

New version 2.0.1 is now available on and icebox

-- changes --

BUGFIX: appending nil on req_invite fail (thx Renato!)
BUGFIX: assigned raid markers will only be set by actual premade leader (pvp players could get lead and shift markers)
BUGFIX: insured oq_ascii was initialized when initializing tables
UPD: tweaked message processing for bad messages
UPD: invite sent even if bnet doesn't show the person friended and online (bnet doesn't always relay the info, yet invites still work. gg blizz)
UPD: insured only pve groups would check for resil and mmr
UPD: added boss name in response if lockout conflict detected
UPD: added limit on bn_connect response (ping'ing the world)
UPD: clear-filters will also reset find-premade sort column and order
add: you can now filter by realm name. just type the realm name into the spyglass to see those realms
add: sort by leadership rank now available; skull/boss icon will toggle ascending/descending
add: tooltip will include boss name if lockout conflict
add: cmdline to show raid lockouts (bit per boss rendered as hex): /oq show locks
add: will announce in chat when removed from a wait list
add: premade group leader's oQueue version number now displayed on lower right of find-premade's tooltip

Awesome :)

I only get about 5 raids up now when I loged in with the new one. Whatsup with that? Is it because ppl dont have installed the new one yet or is it something wrong with my download?

Edit: and now I dont have any raids at all.

@wolfar bottom right of the find-premade tab ... what is your connection?

shifting between 300-4 to 0-4 atm

300-4 is ..wooow... 0-4 usually means you're in an instance.

oQueue disconnects from the realm channel while you're in an instance and thats why the realm side drops to zero

@ Rassilon: it seems to be working now, might have been a blizzard bug that indicated me in an instance or something then? Think they have had problems on some servers today.

It's giving me the error of not qualified even though I have more than the ilvl requirement, this only happened today before and after I updated it.

check the tooltip for the group you're wait listing. if it doesn't show the group leader's oqueue version number, that's the reason

I see, I guess it's just waiting for everyone else to update? Thanks for all the work

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